samedi 14 mars 2015

The Best Homemade Tomato Cage In Elmira NY

By Zelma Hurley

Contrary to the popular belief that tomatoes are vegetables, they are actually the edible fruit of the nightshade, Solanum lycopersicum. Grown at home and eaten fresh off the vine, they are like little bursts of sunshine, full of taste, vitamins, and other important nutrients. Growing your own is easier if you can find, or fudge, the best homemade tomato cage.

While the vast majority of tomatoes are red in color, they come in every other color of the rainbow apart from perhaps blue. You can find them in all shapes and sizes in anything from dark purple to bright orange; there are even striped varieties. Green tomatoes signal a lack of ripeness, although in a pinch they can be used in green tomato pie or fried, as in the movie, "Fried Green Tomatoes."

If you can manage to get any into the kitchen without eating them as soon as you pick them, tomatoes are an exceedingly versatile item to prepare. They are a little messy to eat like apples, but may be sliced or cut into wedges for use in salads, sandwiches or even on their own. They may also be peeled, have the seeds taken out and then cooked. For good health, it is important to include both cooked and uncooked tomatoes in the diet.

Fresh and uncooked, tomatoes are jam-packed with vitamins A and C. Cook them, and things like lycopenes, lutein, choline, folic acid and beta-carotene come out to play. Tomatoes are also a great source of fiber.

As well as being a hugely popular ingredient in spaghetti sauce, tomatoes are also the main ingredient in the popular American condiment, ketchup or catsup. At one time, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher tried to convince the public that ketchup was a vegetable for the purposes of school dinners. People put ketchup on just about everything from french fries and hamburgers to scrambled eggs. It is a very unusual home indeed that does not contain a bottle of ketchup.

In hot, sunny climates, tomato plants can grow very tall, bushy and unwieldy. This is why some sort of cage or other scaffolding is useful to prop up the plant and keep the developing fruits from touching the moist soil and becoming subject to rotting. Cherry tomatoes make excellent subjects for hanging baskets. Many amateur gardeners are happy to use grow bags.

Because tomatoes love sunshine and heat, there are some climates where they are best grown in a greenhouse, conservatory or simply under an overturned plastic drink bottle. For optimum flowering, they require little water, while they go through loads of the stuff when they are fruiting. In terms of fertilizer, tomatoes thrive on potassium. Tickling the tiny yellow, bell-shaped blossoms can encourage pollination, and care must be taken to eliminate aphids and the giant green caterpillars that thrive on developing plants.

Tomatoes also have their uses outside the kitchen. They may brighten dull pots and pans, for one thing. They can also be used as a hair rinse, especially to get rid of unpleasant smells like perming solution.

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