mercredi 7 février 2018

How To Grow Ginger Rhizomes At Home

By Douglas Wagner

Ginger loves a humid climate because it is a tropical plant. The plant grows from the ginger rhizomes. They are the swollen roots which are harvested. Many people throughout history have used these roots for culinary and medicinal purposes. Growing it is not difficult and can be very rewarding.

This is a plant that likes a spot in partial shade. It enjoys warm weather, humidity and rich, moist soil that drains well. It dislikes direct sun, frost, strong winds and waterlogged soil. The easiest way to start growing it is to buy the common, edible variety from the grocery store. Choose roots that are plump, wrinkle-free and that have eyes or small points. Try to buy an organic product as a non-organic one may have been treated with a growth-inhibitor.

High quality soil is very important so using compost will be necessary if soil is poor. Mix the compost with an equal quantity of sandy soil. The soil will assist drainage while the compost feeds the plant and keeps away the weeds. Make sure the compost is well mixed in. Soil that has a high clay content may be a problem due to lack of drainage. It may be better to use potting soil in this case.

Cut the fresh root into two inch sections. Each of these sections with one or two eyes or buds can grow into a separate plant. Before planting, it is suggested to let the root lie for a day or two. This is to give the cuts time to seal over and prevent rot.

Plant in early spring or late winter or frost may kill plants. Plant a root with the buds pointing upwards. Plants should be about two to four inches below the soil and rows should be eight inches apart. If the soil is warm, germination should take place easily.

Remember not to over-water is this can be detrimental. Plants will usually need generous watering twice a week but check regularly to determine moistness. Spraying or misting the leaves every day or two can help to maintain humidity. The roots start growing about two months from the time of planting.

As the weather cools down, the leaves begin to die back. Reduce watering because the dry ground encourages it to form roots. When all the leaves have died, the ginger is ready for harvest. Dig up the whole plant, break up the roots and select a few with good growing buds for replanting. Keep the rest for use in the kitchen.

A decent mulch offers plants nutrients, prevents weeds from growing and offers some protection. Fertilizing will not be as important if plants are surrounded by mulch from which they can get nutrients. A good mixture can be made from worm castings and horse manure. Do not expect flowers unless plants have been left in the ground for two years.

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