mercredi 19 septembre 2012

Deer Hunting Apparel Are For My Pride

By Yancy Thatcher

It almost seem like you can't get on the Internet these days without finding someone who is complaining about hunting, guns, or the abuse of animals. These people make accusations against hunters without really knowing anything about us or what we do. Everything they know about hunting, they learned from Disney movies. We are not the scary villains that kill the baby deer's mom. We are hunters who obey time-honored laws and traditions. We eat what we kill. We teach our children to honor nature. I wear my whitetail huntsman tees to remind me of all of these things.

Humans are hunters. Did you know that human beings are some of the greatest distance runners on the planet? We are built to track, hunt, and run down prey to the point of exhaustion. Our ancestors would run for days until an animal died from over exertion, and then we would rebuild our own tired, sore muscles from the protein their meat provides. We would not be here today if we had not developed those skills, and we certainly wouldn't have the most advanced brains in the world today. My hunting shirts are a symbol of my pride in our species.

You may think that you are a true conversationalist because you recycle and you donate to an organization, or two. Well, guess what? I do all of those things and more, as do almost every hunter I know. We care about the deep, wild places of the world like no one else can because we explore it every year. We are trained woodsmen who know this world better than the people who merely observe it through a television. I wear my deer hunter's t-shirts because I love nature and I love our environment.

Another thing that people don't understand is the prodigious rate in which deer and elk breed. If their populations are net kept in strict control, they would be encroaching into towns and starving to death during the harsh winters. Where once there were many natural predators keeping the populations down, those natural enemies are now dwindled in numbers. If we did not hunt, the fate of all deer would be much grimmer. I wear these outdoor sportsman clothes because I understand how nature works.

We cannot all be hunters. Not any longer, anyway. There are far too many human beings in the world for us all to pick up a rifle and kill a deer. What you can do, as a responsible human being, is to leave the people who do hunt alone. We are not the monsters you think we are. We have learned how to take from the land only what it is able to give us, and we consume everything we take. Hunters are not bad people, and perhaps you should wear hunting tees too just to remind yourself...just in case you forget.

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